martes, 18 de junio de 2013

8. I saw a flowering spanish broom

The unconscious is the outside, is my outside, is our outside.

The outside of our experience, life, lived, experienced, digested.

Because our possibilities are not yet experienced.

The unconscious is the internet. You sit at the screen in the morning with a number of concerns you shower in the search. Every new idea brings you the search is part of the unconscious, the unknown, and you know that is because you love novelty, new connections, new relationships between memes or ideas that you had not previously found related to that. ..

Throughout your morning surfer, has penetrated your subconscious, in something that previously were unaware, and that leaves you significant flare in your memories, you desspiertan to these new memes or ideas, so that when they arise again, on a conversation or text, you're going to go to them, eager to continue your learning, and all from the natural motivation of an organism, autopoietic system, an eternal apprentice, you do not have to make any effort to learn, as living systems, trained in these tasks from early childhood phylogenetic, since when it developed the sensibility, as tropism, such as responsiveness, to respond to the "outside", so that when esres capable and sensitive to respond to "outside "the world, then you are gobbling the world, while the world engulfs you you, so that the" outside "and leaves gradually to be.

Santiago Principle: "All living is learning. All learn is to live".

That is, cognition is equal to live. With millions and millions of sensors behind us, there is nothing we live, what our body does not learn.

Life is a continuous flow between the conscious and the unconscious.

As a cell exists in itself, when interfaced with an "outside", and from which flow energy and information materials.

To live is to learn. Learning is perceived.

All live, then, is to learn (a) and perceiving.

Living, Learning, Perceive, occurring in, to and from us as phenomena, purely biological functions, we share with the Biosphere.

The sinvivir involved today keep so many hours in classes forzosamete closed to new class of digital natives - indigos, you can interpret well as the energy cost of the system to maintain a resistor, at a time of civilization, where flowing, with minimal resistance, not only possible, but real in many areas of our society that are no longer directed from suffering.

All sensors, or organs of the senses working in unison, by default. To swallow, you stop breathing, but overall, our super body faces breast sensory discovered sensorialmete todfo what you may encounter.

The conventional neuroscience, in light of the documentary "automatic brain", are evidence of his almost no consideration towards the territories of the unconscious. The custom of conventional neuroscience when they referred or refer to the sensory organs, and perception, used to be: Beware! The senses deceive us!. and garnished with a few optical illusions ...

Moreover any scientific study that says I replicable, should make clear record of perceptual process to be followed by observing subject, to achieve such results. That is if you trust the scientist something is in their way, as it is still an animal perceptual approaching the microscope, a sample, or a screen, to observe, to perceive it, to discover.

Holistic perception, or default synesthesia, I came from the hand of David Abram ("The Magic of the Senses"), and rounded when I discovered the Buddhist roots of Francisco Varela neurophenomenology the term "Sense Sphere" or Sensosfera .

That was a few months ago. A few years ago had landed on my head the term "Sensosfera", a process well described by Krishnamurti, in which the ideas down with a gift, so suddenly, and you find them, and what you do with them ? they play and play, as each time you were as a kid something on the floor to play with. In the game there is no effort, esforzamiento, but desire, followed by desire, and desire, so that ends up being a meditation, you do not you find out what you're doing, your body itself, a process strongly unconscious, are tortalmente "escape" of your consciousness, your body looks all their finery at the novelty creative, but you, your consciousness, is felizmennte the margin, that is the flow, just.

And on the internet I find a company with the brand and Sensosphere Sensosfera dedicated to beautify audiovisually aircraft, to make transatlantic crossings pleasurable ...

And I find "Sensosfera" in Catalan! in a dissertation on interactive activities in the classroom.

If we add all the experiences and knowledge that are given and given, in the world system, that would akásikos files or records.

The two-way mutual exchanges that occur between the nucleus and cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell, are another example of the operation 2.0 Biosphere autipoiéticos systems that live, think, know, learn and earn in the flowing serenely conscious of living, simplécticamete, all those precesos in one.

I sit on a park bench, and only ten and some minutes, I discover a Gayumba in bloom, the first of this year, this cosmic cycle. I'm at 200 meters from the shore of the Alboran Sea. And I remember that they are the first flowers of Broom or Gayumba I see. At least that's what my conscious tells me at this point. I can be wrong. Why not. but what I'm trying is to continue familiarizing myself with this nuance, which separates, connects and unites the conscious incosnciente. If I had raised undiscovered consciously the Gayumba in bloom, evidentemeente not the title of this post would have been the same. When my conscious discovers gayumberas flowers, there is a before and after. A phenological level, anyone reading this post, written today precisamete, has available a fact that may be important to describe this spring as delayed and special. Gayumba imagine that this is the first that blooms throughout the Alboran northern coast. Who knows. could have a phenological record.

What is an idea? What is a new idea?

New ideas the detector detects a brain for new ideas. If you exercise a habit to give value and incubate new ideas, that means seed, to force them germinate, such new ideas end up as seedlings, and if you keep feeding from time to time, will continue to grow in your nose , you will annoy most unexpected times, not dejarn sleep, that was once an "outside", now is a hybrid system, and integrates your SENSOMA, your cytoplasm.

One idea is a relationship. A new idea is a new relationship. A new relationship between two preexisting memes or ideas, has the great advantage to his comprehension, that the viewer is already familiar with the two memes or ideas - based, among which have established this new relationship, we call a new idea.

If you give this new idea a name, ie create a meme, that meme is new, as in a word or idea, summarizing what previously was dispersed in two separate ideas or memes.

Thus, any discipline, for example Phenomenology, could be defined as a cloud of interdependent and interrelated memes, thanks to a history tramajo phenomenologists that, to date, summarizes the malfeasance of memes and complex ideas, and a single meme called Phenomenology.

With respect to Simbiodiversity, as a new meme, appeared in 2003, could join a class of disciplines, or metadisciplinas, called "Science Integration and Implementation".

When a science, and integrate, implement, and becomes a kind of science disciplines or complex, called "Science and technology", whose function is known not only in the realm of theory but also implement, deploy, on the field, this knowledge.

Expand and integrate is the dual function of integrating and implementing science. Expand requires intuition swayed by connecting memes and disciplines together, which formerly belonged to the "outside", the unconscious, of conventional science.

The prospects and opportunities that emerge in the dawn of modern Western science.

If we are biologists by nature, because we are studying changes our living, we study the live (science) and apply that knowledge (technology). Study or read online news about perception, and when after the present when you're in the park, watching intently and relax, you're receiving, but now also fueled by the recent theory, that get to play with your direct action perception.

The BioTecnolgía can not and should continue to be seen as a subsystem exclusive.

The Biotechnology is the very dynamic expression of life. Calve, not necessarily a clone is always one technology. Pollinate is a technology. A gene mutation is technology, even if not designed by a biotechnologist, but is spontaneous.

As bioethics, which so far is only regarded as "AntropoÉtica".

That is, reflection simbiodiversa, crop up proposals metadisciplinar enlargement and integration, that nothing complicated, but to simplify, which "symplectic", the picture of science and knowledge, based on the old and insistent call "in the desert ", of which as Morin, Serres and Martinez-Cairo, called for an urgent review and restructuring of the architecture of the scientific knowledge of modern Western science in the time of here and now

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