If ZP is the spanish citizen with the highest frecuency in the media, democracy index= 1/47 millions
Recent discoveries in Neurosciences allows us to dismantle actual state terrorism and/or criminal capitalistic globalization. Thus we have new arms to scientificaly analizing the degree of Conductivism, Mass Psicology of Fascism, Stalinism, and or Personality Culture in the mass media, political parties, or any social sample of individuals. The recent and definite implosion of Ecology within social sciences related to Language, allows us the use of any of the powerful tools developped in Natural Sciences. In that way Language loss their primacy as a supersymbolic world and becomes another biological (human) feature.
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According to Aristotle, the state can only exist at the expense of the Community. A more State, unless Community.
The showcase of democracy have been so far some countries of the far north, where the Social distant shone like a beacon for countries such as Spain, engaged in a course improvement process, based, presumably, to apply as much as possible, the solutions adopted by these model democracies in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
The road seems to have been very different. With nearly five million unemployed, the discourse of the mainstream media is shorted and clone. The most repeated message is that things we could not get any worse, and not expected to recover in the short, medium and long term.
The collective amnesia seems to have implanted in the population, looking every day on the TV, and passively follows obediently these dictates so pessimistic. The terrorist state tax seems to have so perfectly, that even under the present conditions, we found a significant mass response and turn around the tables and can see things differently.
Is there any chance for optimism?
On the part of social movements, seem to have forgotten soon possible alternatives when building, or rebuilding a society. They seem to have forgotten the thousands of pending corruption prosecutions and the Developer Tusnami years that has swept our country and, predictably, has exploded into a housing bubble, and in deep crisis social, economic, and future.
Apparently we tend to minimize the degree of democracy in the Maghreb countries, in relation to our state Spanish. We simplify by saying that there is what they are getting out of some dictatorships, while here, flaws, we live and we lived in a democracy.
We forget that when the Spanish State agreed to progress and democracy, he did deny his own revolutionary history of the thirties. The PSOE came to power, lest we forget, with the financial support of the German Social Democrats, after agreeing, cowardly, that his Marxism was left behind. In other words, that thirty anarchist revolution, supported by many foreign intellectuals, and caused much fear in European governments of the time, for fear it would expand outside Spain, the revolution remained unscathed during the call transition, a large part of the population, who expected the fall of the Franco regime to restore the rights acquired by the village, along a historical learning, and of a revolution that shook the world.
Later, when Spain, and in the eighties and nineties, head pulled to developmentalism, with lots of money from the European Union, it does hand of multinationals, which are what really govern, choosing those infrastructure projects that more benefit to multinational companies, and more harm to the population.
And in the early years of this century, the shift towards developmentalism crazy grows even more. We have broken many records. In houses destroyed. In houses built. In highways. In highways. In high-speed trains. In corruption.
Our thesis is that what has been imposed in recent years Spain has been the underdevelopment. We thus an underdeveloped country in urgent reorganization. Underdeveloped because instead of tending, like other countries, to a benign social democracy for the people, we have chosen a course hiperdesarrollismo thief, who has eaten the whole pie, and despite the enormous expense of these years, has left us all in squalid living conditions.
Where is the money? In pockets we all know.
Is it an injustice? It is the theft of the century. Theft of rights, money, health, future, of autonomy, of survival.
Is there a future? Yes, no future.
See a possible future passes to see the cognitive roots that have brought us this far. And see as in many aspects of global civil society is changing at top speed, and direct participation in a new global democracy, jumping the narrow barriers of democracy and floods earlier increasingly, society and its functioning.
The cognitive roots of state terrorism are representationalism.
Representationism acts through social communication channels which confirm the existence of a funnel or bottleneck, which predicts democratic levels present in such communication acts.
If democracy was the government of the people by the people, we see how through the bottleneck created by the structure of social communication hiperjerarquica, rising levels of media representation, leading to proportionally shrinking levels of real democracy.
It seems that we are not out of feudalism. With the difference that the role of the prince over a few thousand subjects, now goes to accrue when a president of government rules, omnipotententemente, over 46 million citizens.
Representationism Redordemos that corresponds to behaviorism, Stalinism, and the mass psychology of fascism. The implosion in the thirties, the mass media, including radio, allowed one voice, that of the supreme leader, reached all corners, spreading unidirectionally, a certain message. The resulting ideological amplification is chilling. Remember these days the image of the twin towers burning. Or Bush's face, viewed through flat images from millions around the world.
Obviously we live in today a technological revolution. Directed primarily to offset these recent times so unidirectional, for such passivity forced Vivil population of such confinement. Emerge with an infinite force and impossible because of weighting, a social subject once hidden, absent of formal communication. Absent of democracy. Web 2.0 already become a potent weapon of direct democracy. Voices shouting what they want. Voices liberated from slavery.
At the same time, still see remnants of absolutism anachronistic representational. And so should continue desmontándolos.
These hiperrepresentatividad anachronistic remnants still present in the mainstream media, in which the repeated figure, usually the leader of the state. A state leader is using to impose on citizenship, Christianity tools created by a couple of millennia ago. While European states are declared non-denominational, we can say that faith remain so at least as one-person follow their leaders, so absolutist, often occupying most conventional media spaces.
Two thousand years ago there were Christian groups who refused to worship a flat image with the face of their leader. Later, Islam also takes the measure does not reduce the sacred character of the people, to a print dead with some simplified, flat facial features.
We check and, as idolatry, which had been severely criticized for centuries, ends up being imposed as a deadly weapon in contemporary societies, leading to the horrors committed in the twentieth century and into the current century.
Therefore urgent to unravel the cognitive roots that are lurking under the idolatrous and absolutist representationalism, by accidents of history, is being dangerously amplified by conventional means, Foucault biopower making a weapon of mass destruction of peoples, cultures, and ecosystems.
The degree of our obedience to this representationism absolutist and idolatrous, is deductible from our everyday experience. In principle our everyday experience takes place in a world of three dimensions: to height, width, and depth of field. Representationalists are more or less depending on the frequency with which they live in two or in three dimensions.
"Flatland" is a video on Youtube and made present by "Dr. Quantum", a quantum physicist makes comics based disclosure. The are two beings, one who lives in two dimensions, and another that lives in three dimensions.
As happens in our life. In part we are beings that move and think in two dimensions. In part we are beings that move and think in three dimensions.
If we walk a long time between papers, maps, screens, offices, and classrooms hierarchical, our fractal dimension closer to the two dimensions to three dimensions. Then representationism will prime more in us, and we will tend more to simplify reality, and view it from a glance 1.0, linear, full of dichotomies ...
One is identified with the living. Experience is the mother of science. We live extremely turbulent times, also for science. We live in a scientific revolution of exceptional caliber, but still remains invisible to the world of academia, given its prevalence towards specialization, and therefore to a narrow view that obscures together, the amplitude of the current transdisciplinary scientific revolution.
The current scientific revolution arises in many fields of knowledge, in many specialties. And changing what until now was considered a human being. While pseudo-democratic regimes took pains to wipe out the value of human beings in modern science we find the emergence of Nietzsche's superman, the sentient physical body as the center of our life and perceptual activity, thereby abandoning the ancient power of the brain, heir to the concept of soul, it ceases to be an abstract, isolated inside a small box, to overflow through the sensations, and merge into one before that world out there. The world we belong again hard, and Buddhist indigenous style because we again feel that sense of oneness with the world, stop being so an outside, through phenomenological consciousness or awareness essential and basic, the conscious awareness unit within the physical world, through everyday sensations, made more obvious now, thanks to our close observation.
Join now to sack ecology cognitive science. In ecology relational unity of the organism with the environment or discussed, because it is assumed that absolute evidence. After a century of ecology, it occupies hard and cognitive sciences. With varying degrees of shyness, these transfusions interdisciplinary and ecosystem ecology within the cognitive sciences, have increasingly ridiculous, representational models, which anchored mind with brain and reduced the intracranial cerebral mental maze, leaving everyone out.
The particle "ECO-" prefix form and the various branches of the cognitive sciences. Maybe you summarize the result in the "ECOcognición". Ecophilosophy / Ecosophy, Ecofenomenología, Ecopsychology, Ecolinguistics.
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