martes, 18 de junio de 2013

7. copylife, infimonikal, sensing, mkptmk

The long process of incubation, gestation and maturation Simbiodiversity has been subsequent collapsing wave functions, and producing a symplectic architecture, which rounds to four tools (sim) biotechnology.

copylife / community-learning-life

In the Sensosfera apprehend freely, regardless of private property. If you pass by San Juan street, not going to charge for swallow all this plethora of smells and tastes that become crazy to your pituitary, yellow and red, while spending long in the cloud.

Under this sacred principle, based on the principle santiago, has born copylife. The sensations do not have (single) owner. Are shared, at least between you and the world. Under this view, the biosphere is the mother and mistress of all. Also written and produced. The marketing of GM seeds onerous, made from a method discovered by the bacteria, and then learned by humans, and the thousands of years ningunea symbiotic seed-peasantry, could and should be audited in this manner. Many genes belong to the body of transgenic seed farmer. How few, very short genes, belong to the novelty introduced by the modern farmer or Biotechnologist.

On the internet the copylife is manifested by the freest use, processing and dissemination of information, because if this is "sacred", ie all and for all, ie has been generated throughout the biosphere, and the entire biosphere, any selective appropriation, to try to isolate a complex, connected and interdependent, in space-time, will have to contend, at least, with this reflection.

Regarding the possible disorder manifestation of ideas on the Internet and blogs.

What is important in the era meme, is ideas. Clouds of ideas. As the storms and clouds, memes are also collapsing wave functions to confromar extensive dense clouds that precipitate in the noosphere Internet, and end up splashing conventional mass media.

The important thing memetics are clouds and concept maps.

No matter where and how you are a treasure. And under what conditions are.

What is important is ideas. If the wording of testo where those interesting ideas are exposed not maintained, or are unhappy with the structure and hilación of testosterone to which we are, we were accustomed, NO MATTER.

what matters are the ideas.

The ideas are in themselves clear (of ideas)

Ideas are composite units (of ideas) sensu Humberto Maturana ("Everything says an observer"), and as such are made (they are associated with, or give rise in us) of simple units that are in turn other ideas.

If they ask for a definition, that definition will take the form of a frame, or stew of memes, forming a cloud. That cloud will be much better, if you see in a concept map, you see that if you only linearly written in a conventional text, like this, in line upon line.

copylife is a new old code encoding, decoding, recoding, which facilitates transitions formally transdisciplinary territories, before desert, before borders, now filled and welded and extend from the edges, conventional disciplines.

infimóniko is a bridge between qualitative, qualia, and Quantative, the numbers. By default when you look within the sensosfera, you can choose single or composite units. In fact every single unit, or nearly all, can be decomposed or analyzed as a set of simpler units "inside" of it.

The thing is you can choose between a "blooming Gayumba", or refine a little more: "A Gayumba with few flowers" or a little further: "A Gayumba with a spot northwest florida in your glass."

That is, when you look you see units and frames (clouds). A shrub is a plot of flowers, branches and leaves (rare in Gayumba).

When a bush awakens your consciousness, like mine this morning, then I squeeze your perception and eagerly focus, desire, impuilso, will, and that's when the magic art of perception (diffuse + focused), you discover a composite unit, one Gayumba with a few flowers! that teien a part of the cup and a green florida, florida yellow, and not smell its aroma, as I got close enough to it.

It's a game about. The world is made of things, entities, individuals making a dynamic plot. That game multidimensional units is where he gets his juice and lure the infimóniko. It's the magic of numbers, which feeds on the qualities of qualitative diversity that underlies those numbers ...

The multi co SENSING or mimouX operating or SNSNG, or snsng, facilitates the interpretation from one observer characterized by a sensitive body (that feels, perceives) and dynamic (which-is-mue-ve). This means your body sensitive interpreted as an operating system or opracional the live, learn, know and perceive.

And the server is the whole plot mkptmk where you (snsng) are dynamic and sensory inserted. You see reality from all the sensory system present you parts of subjectivity constituted by the cloud made sensational interacting at any time or experience, with your own body, and expanded, also your consciousness. SENSOMA.

The SENSOMICA science and technology is integrated sensory.

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