martes, 18 de junio de 2013

16. Symbiodiversity. A mayan-andalusian-amazigh book of desire

In 1996, Maya Itzá made a deep claim to biologists, through their top-representative scientific journal, "Conservation Biology" for looking Conservation in a wider sense, including people too, in order to save all diversity, language and human diversity included.

In 2003, we publish the first article on symbiodiversity, where using as our focus our own common, or everyday life, we could amplify the clasical sense of biodiversity, symbioticaly, to human lives and populations. The example included in this article is about andalusian food biodiversity. From an activity where you is the main actor, that is, your action of feeding yourself, you may watch and enjoy how all that inmense biodiversity is relating to you, and within your logicaly also symbiotic organs and tissues, for your stomach cells today are the co evolved results of all that species and individual interacting with you and all yours biological, transgenerational memories...

In 2005, in my third travel to Mayab, in the ciber of a biologist I discovered that our integrative academic dream of joining, holisticaly, biological and cultural diversity, two years before, it was already a academic fact. Looking in internet about Victor Toledo Manzur, from Instituto de Ecología de la UNAM, I was very very lucky when I found which a recent discipline, "Symbiotic Conservation", had been created with the same focus of integration as symbiodiversity.

Some years later, NNUU, in their turn, began to press towards a more integrative focus, inaugurating the concept of "Bio-Cultural Diversity".

As a resumé, we could say that symbiodiversity, symbiotic conservation and biocultural diversity share the same focus and objectives, that is, to look for a practical, scientific way, to actualy integrating men and women within conservation scientific models, in order to humannizing science and the life of all biota (or species).

In the meanwhile symbiodiversity has grown very much, as an integrative way to solve the old barrier between humans and the territory, and also as a way to cross, sucessfuly, a new wisdom territory we call Global Science, where old knowledges and new knowledges share in peace the space and converse among theirselves without old cultural or eurocentric lapsus...

Symbiotic conservation, and biocultural diversity, have not grown very much, if compared with symbiodiversity. Symbiodiversity is successfuly applied to northern countries and cities. Symbiotic conservation and biocultural diversity have not trespassed the old barrier between indigenous and modern cultures.

In this way symbiodiversity is a gift for her sixter disciplines, and for anyone in all that adventure of knowledge.

We have published so much about symbiodiversity in internet. From andalusia, my travels mainly to mayab and magrehb have helped to me to understand better the old epistemological separation between southern and northern countries. And it is becoming urgent to understand that crisis is abduction. The old abduction included, with the ideology of progress, was by focusing, in practical ways, in north, forgoting all the past ways of living, and all the ways of living from southern countries. In this way, all the knowledge from south, and all the knowledge from our own history, are automaticaly neglected for looking how, for example, we can go out from that crisis.

Tanger have collective taxis. Mayab have bike-taxis. Neither collective taxis and or bike taxis you couldn't find in many northern cities. Why?

By closing more and more possibilities among all the actual field of real pssibilities, northern countries were preventinh theirselves to find "a lineal solution" in the way of their historical inercy of progress.

In the history of gestation and implosion of symbiodiversity, there are many participants. Among them are also all our circles of dances, our research-action groups, and all that new scientists, indigo ones, which are making that integrative and lovely science so many were dreaming years ago. An example: "the book of desire: towards a biological poetics". Fenomenology, Biosemiotics, Junguian psicology, converge within shamanism, re emerging again as the natural religion-and-science, whose seeds have been disseminated along history across all "modern" knowledge systems.

All the big revolution in 21th century science, is I think the best vaccine for the critical situations we are seen in today world. Just actual, new science make a biutiful re-connection of neoclasical science with all the old multicultural sciences...

More North see how southern live, more north will re surging from their old abductions, and learning also from south, the world being one country, one culture, and multiple ones at the same time...

You are "symbi" (symbiodiversity) too!

Our desire, already expressed here and there in many serendipic blogs, are 64 solutions, offers, specialy for Málaga and Costa del Sol, "the city of paradise", for returning to peace with citizens, not so many empty cars, edible gardens in roofs and everywhere, etc... One offers is specialy wellcoming: rescuing the talking circle in 21th century modern universities for people see themselves mutualy all the time in classrooms. In this way, conviviality will come finaly to schools, people will love their work, and less individuality will live within our hearts...

many thanks!

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