martes, 18 de junio de 2013

10. Science without Subject ¿A Legal Arresponsibility Limbo?

Do not know or no answer. Do not give the hint. There they learn the half of it.

When you face the slave class is being "that obscure object of desire", then the more you look, the more you excited to watch it again, as more sap flowing from it, more arguments emerge, more possibilities, finally, that right now is "that obscure object of the past".

When the slave class can look from different angles. I just found on my walk a couple of aces. We can talk about classroom slave squared, because it usually two overlapping slavery. Physical slavery visceral imperious straitjacket of each human physical body in the hollow of banking slave. And slavery epistemological result of the removal of knowledge, first in science / letters after specialties.

Media orange is not an orange. Two half oranges overlapping complementary equivalent in volume and shape a whole orange.

A more other hemisphere cerebral hemisphere cerebral shape and give power and a brain perspective and therefore double full.

Physical activity and mental selective slave happens in the classroom as a result of this double bond, physical and cognitive theory leads to the appearance of a syndrome of acute cerebral hemisferitis, namely the dominance of one hemisphere over the other.

One subject, as a subject, is composed of both cerebral hemispheres, apart from a body, active and communicative. Now a subject enslaved "lifetime" to a slave class and hierarchically arranged, force majeure ceases to be complete subject, both physically and mentally.

Physically, the structures of the slave class, would be considered "inhuman" or "subhuman", if we tried to accommodate them, with the same intensity, our dear fellow pets or pet, then do not resist.

In the mental, the world under study is severed into two half oranges: the arts and sciences, or social and nature. As social animals we are, we share in our both socially and natural. We are living organisms and social beings. We as nature and society.

Then, to run that dysfunction, that is, to not be able to contemplate the whole orange, but only half, you have to give a precondition. And this precondition is the loss of scientific subjectivity.

The scientific term here inclusive covering any field of knowledge, it becomes a mercenary, a blind orders another that is paying and commands.

Edgar Morin is the speaker of blindness Scientist deadly.

And Esteban Rodriguez Cairo who speaks of "intellectual captives". But according to him, after the process of specialization comes a reconnection between disciplines, transdisciplinary teams are returning to find wise old holistic.

These two authors are a small sample of outrageous criticism developed over years into the danger inherent in the specialization and compartmentalization of knowledge.

On the other hand it is also very abundant criticism of the basic form of teaching and learning and classroom lecture called hierarchical and slave.

And in this post analyze and digest in synergy, both reviews, the epistemological and the Situationist (?).

Compartmentalise knowledge into disciplines and subjects or observers on a slave benches orthogonal grid.

Global Education (David Selby et al.,) Presents alternatives to both types of deficiency. On the one hand minimizing static directed activities and lecture type. And quickly passed horizontal interaction within the group through practical activities and reflection and debate. That is, the subject is put into action and empowered through the development of its qualities of interaction and communication. On the other hand, Global Education is a special emphasis on connecting the various areas of knowledge, surpassing the old barrier between science and the arts, and between specialties.

Simbiodiversity development owes much to the symplectic model of global education and overall contributions to alternative education.

What is unfortunate is certainly the gap between formal education and alternative education. Which is a further spur to the formal educational systems begin to incorporate the undoubted benefits of alternative education.

Finland is perhaps unusual, because their formal education systems have incorporated much of the alternative. The basic motto (cooperative) Finnish formal education is to "support the least known", ie all, for that benefit ends group as a whole (the community is rewarded). The basic motto (competitive - Social Darwinist) of formal education in many other countries seems to be: "be the best" (awards the chosen).

So that blindness intensive, physical force and mental confinement, is what creates subjects who cease to be legal subjects, endowed with responsibility, to lose the basic ability to resolve basic issues for our survival. Their bodies have been domesticated physically for years. Their minds have been programmed to only see only a small part of reality.

The classrooms are factories producing slaves fascism. The slave class is a crime against public health. The feeds slave classroom cognitive roots of state terrorism. The slave class is a global health emergency. The slave class deserves a health warning. The classroom is a world revolution round. The classroom feeds slave syndrome acute cerebral hemisferitis. The Classroom Slave is incompatible with the Treaty of Bologna.

When we use intensively the slave class, we may be feeding the recitals. As we can speak of fascism and terrorism. And we can also approach it as pathology. Both in some cases and in others, it is vital to the dissemination and discussion of these results, ethical decision emerges when we are aware. When we realize. Since then stir you address the current situation and start being allergic to slaves classroom activities such as lectures ...

Prestigious universities, often carried gala that classrooms are small and chairs are arranged in a circle ... Sure why is it that they say they charge such high fees. In public universities, the Bologna treaty implementation is far from complete, according to the teachers. Bologna is incompatible with large class groups. But I think there is something more, located in the collective unconscious of teachers who, most likely, lead from his eight years serving hierarchically structured lectures. It is therefore far from his imagination, the power to conceive the classroom and classes otherwise. If your teaching experience from very young, was the standard, they tend to reproduce what they have learned and practiced for decades.

The large assemblies, such as 15M, shown as horizontal communication is possible even in large groups. In general you can not discredit a large group of participants, simply because it is large. On the contrary, a large group has many advantages over a small one. The question then is more management and organization of the group, whether large or small.

Therefore not a matter of more money, or more teachers.

In fact Bologna came to try to match some other universities, in order to make more practical and interactive educational activities. I mean, somehow Bologna is a call to unite classroom communities, as is done in the style alternative education. Thus the critique of Bologna Treaty should be qualified. For in these aspects of classroom all we want it to pass.

The return of the subject is giving more speed in the social sciences. A new discipline, autoethnography is a good example of this, no doubt fueled by the renewed desire to share our experiences that provides Internet, especially communication networks 2.0, in which the passive observer you become and active participant observer by spreading your own thoughts and experiences, so that the subject emerges stronger than ever, wrapped by other millions of subjects finally he can shout in unison, without caring that outdated and deadly "A-subject" or Subject VIRTUAL, serving others subject aseptic, whose chief care was to stay out, invisible, like a real zombie.

So we face a way of seeing things, and the crisis in a different way. Thus appears the middle section of the social pyramid, the technicians and scientists, the ancient priestly caste, as an inescapable part of the cake, as an inescapable part of the pyramid. And from what we have been discussing, it is a Arresponsable population, in the sense that your glasses will not let you see and look beyond. That is, it is not about blaming anyone, not even to them. Rather it is to glimpse paths, twists, promising horizons in the current situation. A clearly sick society, as we nurture among all, by act or omission, it makes sense that it is led by technical and scientific sick, enclosed within a worldview action and highly dangerous for the future of humanity. Institutions require radical reform and this could be from many different fronts. It is a known know that education is a cornerstone for generational change.

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