martes, 18 de junio de 2013

15. Spaghetti Bolognesa

Have you ever tried to chew a spaghetti "raw"?

It is an entertainment, once we have done, but for lunch sisenos zamparnos happen, medium and stiff kilodespaghettisecos, uncooked, as inthe unidaddecuidados quizásacabaríamos intensive.

Ahíprecisamentees where sigueel system, be it global capitalism, or, if you want bobalizante.

And finally, one cuestiónde essolo 20 minutes of cooking.

The intellectual left ensumayoría by inmigrantesdigitales integrated, it seems that denada sehaenterado yet.

Estamosviviendo derevoluciones endless, regardless of weight enlosmedios quetengan demasas (traditional).

Let porcasointernet. Internet is starring in, "he alone" derevoluciones endless.

Derevoluciones auger ycalentitas fresh, boiling in internet, suffice it to mention Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 integrates and represents a global democratic revolution, provided using dela increased libertaddeexpresión, and decomunicación.

This revolution is benefiting 2.0SE in exponential terms, todala sociedady humanity.

But this revolution, Web 2.0, from laparticipación, opposite the old paper seudodemocraciasparael reservadoen the citizen as a mere spectator, only estangible, visible, ydisfrutable, participating citizenship and builds Web 2.0.

For otraciudadanía, especially intellectuals inmigrantesdigitales embedded in the burocraciacual is, this revolution is invisible, intangible, indisfrutable.

They still are, and feeling, the antiguausanza spectators. Ypor that are still using the same speech, the same pessimism, same deenergía useless waste.

Analfabetismodigital Dudael is no more dangerous than we had been able even to imagine.

We're sick of hearing about the generational change and such. Fortunately, the replacement "digital" DIACON grows the number of young people their age seincorporan society.

Cadadía Deformaque happens "is seen over the duster" digital illiteracy intellectual models.

Decimospeligroso (more nopoder), digital illiteracy, society porqueestamos talking deesaparte dela, dela responsible tomasdedecisionesen delas most nuestrasinstituciones; laspersonas nuestropresenteynuestro quedeciden future.

All this in the middle ofa depoder emptied, tambiénmuysignificativo.

The sistemacayó, still "underground," that WILL renew inthe direcciónque esperandonuestrassemillaspara todasqueremos or (ES-) dream.

But izquierdaintelectual not renewed (digital illiterate 2.0) still trying decombatir with an enemy that no longer exists. Seproduce then that fear of emptiness. A new, to much time dream. End Yal do not only strengthen the enemy and died, trying paradoxically dereavivarlo. Broadcasted since left?? Yes, because we have not known for decades DoSomethingElse.

Compare ustedesel actuaranarquistaenla Spanish war with the izquierdaestalinista.

Some defending, and making the revolution.

Other defending, but postponing, larevolución.

War finished it, lost both, but the experienciahabía been different. Paralosprimeros less YMAS theoretical practice. Paralossegundos backwards.

Puesahora same.

Humanosson groups organisms evolve, change, but also age, seanquilosan their tissues ...

And the capacidaddeactuar burocraciatermina stagnating.

Bulle called Web2.0 revolution, that is unmatched conlasrevolucionesconocidas, obviously yque vaamás.

There otrarevolución inthe classroom.

Is coming soon.

Bologna has a "crack" revolutionary puedesermás alkene.

NOTE: THIS Following, IS ONE "añiío" a postscript = (March 18, 2010 less joy, sdecir, tudey (that pretty, every day is your bear, your days, your days 11.9.11)

(((THE NUMBER-ONE position of this same post, today 11.9.11, at 14.10 Within this link, Indicates how poor is actualy so interesting debate. Fortunately, flx lpz fgr, from a new candidature for UMA Rectri- fication (Amogo rectify sanhez, of wise is), is enamorating Within the mere thought of taking publicly That discussion Within classrooms, and as this beautiful Primaverazo (= otoñillo, inviernesillo plus cubed Spring, the formal, but here in malaga is subtropical coast, and Malthus thechnicaly, more and more crimes against against humanity have still have so long confined to creatures, which re creative by nature, and work and the goddess grasia margulis, default is that if children are super-geniuses re creative, eight years aularmente talking straighten and become super-three-quarter and half quarter of that, after several sieve sieves, at 18, are creative, cost more but even in these, the natives of them, the digital, I would not even dare suggest, you could say that I speak for them, and from them, that part of them that is mine, because I have robao in conversacaos, classes, practices, dances, junteras of any kind in the same ecobrain, the same capsule enovelvente, mirror neurons define the multidimensional space, and next to you onformn echolocation, ipsoflauto trillions of info in bits, units are kisseles sensomicas, and so that you're you and many your tururu we are with you go, and when yu go, yu yu you take them to keep ... beasos (peazos kisses) End Of Postscript or ur "AÑIÍO" ed ou do not see viea bird!)))

Boloniamandaque the aulasdejen deseresclavas.

Horizontalmenteen secomunique Boloniamandaque actividadesdentro students delasaulas.

Boloniamandaque faculty coordinator seconviertao dela reconverted in class, omoderador, not dictator deleccionesdesde enmero the stand.

Isa Bologna Bolognese wing revolution.

Bologna sends us (half hidden) izquierdaintelectualizadayanquilosadasigue revolution and submissive mind punishing, suspending, Bologna in susaspectos capitalist monetary.

But good. If Bologna logically sevaa not deliver the system meltdown, money-capitalist theme deBoloniapasaa one seconds plano.Puesto which, again, the system is, follow, follow ... unidaddecuidados inthe intensive (commonly underground).

Boloniahace izquierdapragmática a wink to.

Bologna has made us a wink.

Bologna, as ISLOGICAL, no spaghetti esconsciente debencomersecrudos deque.

Bologna knows that those universities dondedomina hierarchical classroom, seven injured seriamenteen susegresados ​​training.

Spaghetti ala Bolognese invitaa Boloniaporesonos but al dente, not raw.

Hacela Bolonianos bed.

Bolonianos doorsA opens a real democracy, participatory, horizontal, transverse, interactive enlasaulas.

Bologna we gritay us leftists intellectuals, no flowers.

Bologna has thrown the yews.

Bologna invites us (conspaghetti Bolognese) to alternative education, popular, participatory PORLAPUERTA institucionesacadémicas entreen the BIG.

Bologna ... ynosotros no flowers ...

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