martes, 18 de junio de 2013

33. With your 4 thousand 500 millions yrs. on your Backs

The experimental practical part of this post is a naturografico analysis, an x-ray from vitalistic and permaculture, projects of GUADALMEDINA. Besides looking at testosterone as the Maturaleza maps, we look at human beings who have given birth autopoietic such projects, their life biographies and experiences, where they are or where they find their sources of inspiration, few plants known runway of sight, smell , aroma, color or colors, touch, softness, contour sheet, of little teeth on the edge of west wind sculptures and, finally, to what extent and deasphalting debonding enter their plans ...

A text is a spreadsheet, a table multidimensional, and thus are a possible victim of craving quantifier of the hard sciences, a landscape, like the bay of Malaga is a testo, both are regarded by the same subject, you, which to look at and hold on the landscape of the bay, you get the communion with her, you're her, through the channels of perception, which aims to destroy and recreate the object, form, line, Fig.

A palm Washingtonia is a weather vane, an anemometer, a compass, a source of inspiration, the wave is the trunk MOTION, MOTION Undine is the leaves on their axes, the MOTION ondiruela is the end of the hairs of the leaves , top center there is a pair of opening leaf primordia as cojollos, the stiffer and more focused despeluchar hardly even the second cojollo its big brother and has some fringes wind, the blades are arranged in all directions, the MOTION pace varies according axle, leaf or hairs, these sometimes recall when the semi-long rolls airete bangs ... the sun shines aposentes variously depending where you look, and on the ground, the wind shadows make grinders, which reminiscent of other flights, to the plane, when it seems that shuddering, snag a parriba Repullo in the air, and suddenly dropped amid a swirl of feathers ... :)))

... ... ...

Google: Tablet or Computer?

Approximately 712 million results (0.29 sec) Tablet

Approximately 650,000,000 results (0.31 seconds) Computer

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ISMA Utopoietic Systems, (@ agustinant), is an organism that recreates his life in his life, like any other. And in this enjoy, walks the Utopia of autopoiesis, feeling the
step sicologistas old barriers that prevented understanding of global change, are more than happy, phagocytosed ...

ALL CHILDREN CAN BE EINSTEIN Fernando Alberca book on education affection ...
chat between saves and I stuck some time in and
ste juicy ideas for blog ... 1001 kon korrernos kostra crisis delsol

The possibilities factilidad make a change and ease therefore we get him out. If Malaga is the city of Paraiso is because sustainability is almost here given by Nature.

With an average temperature almost subtropical, the basis of survival is food, is almost assured throughout the year.

Sustainability, as the best way to live our lives, the easier it is something that in the city of Malaga, we have been learning and practicing for three millennia.

If the sudden changes in our urban way of life, in half a century and we barely have clouded us from seeing the possibilities of moving, then remember that in the 50s, Malaga, with 1% of the car now, it was still rural urban environments.

If we left the EU a moment and jumped 14 km, to the Medina of Tangier, we find that this is in part a fractal garden, for almost all plots are planted with beans.

For in Malaga, there are many vacant lots to plant life, mosses, etc, growing in soils that have the privilege of 3000 years with an urban symbiosis.

For in these sites are going to plant beans we buy this afternoon, because actions speak louder and with good intentions ...

Anarcho-capitalism is the way

   The dichotomies blind us and we can not see the road. Capitalism or Socialism?? That's the dichotomy with which blind leftist social movements. A solution impossible dilemma, apparently.

The recent Nobel Prize in economics, first to a woman, a milestone on our journey. The Norwegian Olstrom shows as horizontal economies, ie community, are profitable, even within the current capitalist global context.

In reality, the capitalist system, only covers part of the activities we do in our lives, a part that is not as significant in objective terms, as expected. Is your overwhelming symbolic power through their propaganda, which hides us a fact.

If we look at the countries of the south, is easier to discover what we say. Since informally called economy is superabundant, for example, in trade taking place in the souks and medinas of neighboring Morocco.

In our north Andalusia, the capitalist system has been moving more and more about our spaces and our lives. In the 50s our cities were much more permissive with this informal economy, as in Morocco, maintained efficiently the needs of the population.

With this crisis, we are largely back to these basic forms of exchange and mutual support, as social intelligence emerges strongly recovering them. Thus it is clear that the current global crisis is opening community survival roads had been abandoned for decades.

The crisis, therefore, is not only economic, it is largely the closure of a system that increasingly narrowed the circle of ancient life-forms of exchange and social reproduction.

The same dichotomy blinding capitalism / socialism, is reproduced in the form north / south. Social movements are largely tied to this glaring dichotomy also north / south, after years of intense domestication, and for brainwashing. Fortunately the world is changing very quickly, and the jumble of ideas and solidarity we see on the internet is proof of that, and the tsunami that has invaded physically multicultural, with people around the world, our neighborhoods and our cities. Especially in these years of overdevelopment.

If we can see this overdevelopment atrocious aside from some pockets to fill particularly, has left almost everyone in the lurch, if we look as underdevelopment, perhaps we can come to understand later in this text, the heart of our proposals .

There are, say, rich, poor and stupid.

Rich countries are those northern countries using economic growth to provide better quality of life for its citizens with. Countries fools are those northern countries, which despite having large economic investments, these do not result in the quality of life of its citizens with.

Poor countries are poor countries by requiring them exploit fools northern countries.

Spain it is tontísima, and the record in this stunning we all, not just the leaders.

If we were talking about us and them, when we refer, for example, our politicians, we would be following him to the same game dichotomous system that bore him. There is Gilles Deleuze, with his thought rhizome is precisely enlighten us of our categories falsehood white / black. And to bring our thinking towards diversity and difference, where there is always much more than two.

Delving into the history of philosophy, one comes across a dicotamía pattern that makes the difference. The Christian philosophy of two sets. One infinity. The other limited. The infinite set is God or, if you will, the nature. The set is finite and limited human being.

Of course, now when the quantum tells us that we live in a world of possibilities (infinite), the imaginary of European cultural origin, the thing is choking. Instead Chinese philosophy, despite not being considered a religion, has much more in mind the "Religare", because there's not a creator, an omnipotent God from whence everything, including our fears. No. China is all nature a goddess of ways you indissoluble part of the rest. In this sacred union, is where your power hand, otherwise all the fear of God.

In the indigenous world, lived a ceremony where you squeeze your partner's hand and greeted you saying, "You are God." And you answeredst the same, each other: "You are God".

Most scientists are atheists or agnostics, who are themselves mutually exclusive categories, but pantheistic. What happens that, in general, social movements are heavily punished after times of misery Catholic, preferring to say pantheistic agnostic. The farthest of religion better. Pantheism simply encompasses the entire universe into an indissoluble unity, of which we are part.

If all is one, just not all fit, but the entire space-time imaginable.
It's like Fuenteovejuna "All for one". And it's time. Ecology is also pantheistic, by definition, equal to the quantum, Buddhism, or indigenous animism. We are at last coming out of a maze categorical hartamente inefficient, because our brains tag drunk and ideas, increasingly abstract, setting foot on the land and basic inclusive categories that characterize the thinking and language, not only of indigenous communities and Eastern flosofías but the new calving in the prestigious science laboratories and universities century.

It's funny because on the one hand, from here I'm encouraging to us to catch in all this science inclusive, that has colonized obviously prestigious scientific journals. While the paradox is that, after these years conocmiento integration, to which we have come is very basic consequences and principles. Come on, is that it can be up comic, and lacks the grace ...

As integrative disciplines converge as phenomenology or biosemiotics, is in basic capabilities, by default, that characterizes a living human self. It is the ability to develop, efficiently, the power of attention. West obviated very blatantly, this basic aspect for survival. In shamanism, it is called stalking and learning with active dynamic in nature, where an urbanite what is discovered is simply to itself, as a living and active. You change the chip, "the assemblage point," by breaking your routines. If in general, as an adult, you tend to walk forward, just a couple of hours walking back along a path in the field, in single file, to go rebooting, you've always been inside of you, like innate abilities, is called inner shaman, or just inner child.

In fact for the anthropologist Fericgla, shamanic thought, this mental dynamism continues to surprise many, is simply thinking, and doing, the child. In short, play again, put back our bodies in situations of activity, allowing perceptual resume our vital basis, our doors of perception.

On the other hand, from political ecology and ecological economics and integrative disciplines mature, although Chinese ring at most universities, it shows the efficiency, for example, traditional agricultures, inefficient relative to industrial agriculture.

That is, these days, if you pay attention, have led to a precipitous drop of the principles on which our society is based and recent civilization. It is the native look, long term, you can minimize these two centuries of battering, which are nothing in the history of humanity, much less in the context of the history of life, to say nothing of of the universe.

Wittsgenstein is fortunate to reduce all the tangle of philosophical thought to "language games" (again the game). Everything is in the language, which has nothing symbolic about when you look at the reality of everyday life, such as public and practical language, used by billions of people every day. Just Wittsgenstein well, solipsistic individualism of Descartes, from "I think" to "We lenguajeamos"

     The language is as public and collective. There is no difference of opinion, but these are the result of our different experiences and learning. We all have the truth or a piece of it. All theories are true, as they are real conversations that develop different people in different circumstances. The fear of speaking, writing, participating in our societies is but the appalling educational individualism hierarchical classrooms where it did impose a truth, the teacher, a word, the teacher, and almost one active, the teacher .

Understand that there are different perspectives, it is vital to look with one eye unified reality. So you value diversity as a source of wealth, and not "what you think the opposite." And for that we bring here two simple models of four dimensions, which come to say the same.

One is the four-dimensional model of global education David Selby at the University of Toronto. ("Towards an irreducible global education in school"). The other is of a polynesian Shaman, Serge King ("The four worlds of the Shaman"). Objective, Subjective, Symbolic, Holistic. Only in the case of global education, holistic is replaced by the thematic dimension, which includes knowledge of any discipline that come to mind to crimp our reasoning.

Crimp knowledge of various fields is often difficult for people who have passed in your life for a specialized itinerary. Abundant specialties planted these years have built a parallel universe in the knowledge society as trans interactions are minimized, while intensifying inbreeding within each specialty.

In daily life, however, the specialist fails to act as such to become a generalist. Well develops very diversified activities which contrasts with the narrowness of thought and action of his professional life.

It's as if your life elapse on two different hard drives and disconnected. The practical idea mother, which allowed us to see the light from the Simbiodiversity, and melt in nature and society, it was precisely from our daily lives. In this way the subject, the observer par excellence, which was annulled by the objectivist science, returns to the stage hard, seeing as permanently invaded our everyday this diversity, of many colors, and where it stops making sense the difference or separation between biodiversity and cultural diversity call. Alimentarte for example, is indissoluble biology to culture. Speaking the same, it is your body that moving muscles and organ systems does the word, evaporating all that halo stifling way of abstraction that had invaded the disciplines of language, which was the fruit of the divine word, nestled in the soul, or in its equivalent course, the brain God.

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