Scientific Report for the Department of Animal Biology, to the Dean of the Faculty of Science, and the Rector of the University of Malaga.
1. We start with a lecture, given by a teacher to a pupil P A.
In these circumstances, assume the active participation of teachers is 0.9, and 0.1 student, then 10% of the time is spent by the student questions.
Two. Second course: A teacher and two students P A1 and A2.
In these circumstances, P is for each student 0.9 and 0.05.
Three. Third course: Two teachers P1 and P2, and three students: A1, A2, and A3.
This of course comes to mind, after attending the CGT headquarters of Málaga, in 2004, shared a talk in unison by two partners (partner and companion) from Oaxaca, Mexico. Each speaker participated with ten minute talk, after which he opened a round of questions, before moving to another speaker's voice.
In our case, for simplicity, we start from two speakers spread over time into two halves. If the class is 50 minutes, 20 minutes each speaker speaks, and the remaining 10 minutes is for questions.
Then we have: Q1: 0.45, Q2: 0.45, A1: 0033, A2: 0033, A3: 0033.
As we can go see, with increasing social mammal population in the Classroom, increase genetic diversity, biological and cultural. But while this emerging diversity is becoming, increasingly, in hidden diversity, no participant. As the classroom is no longer a social environment, socialization, and becomes a space of individualization.
April. Fourth course: A Teacher P, and 4 students: A1, A2, A3, and A4 with Power Point.
It is assumed that in the previous cases, the keynote was fully oral or supported by the classic chalkboard.
In this Fourth Assumption, diversity of social mammal population is added technological tool Power Point, where they appear, for now, only text and static images without motion. Complementing the classic blackboard and lecture oratory.
In this fourth scenario also include the active participation of each of the students, who are called to stand in brainstorming, where everyone writes on the board the concept or idea that intuitively found.
As we will see over other cases, diversity actually active forms of student participation is practically infinite variations and nuances. In fact each class, as an event, is unique, although learning contexts, according to the richness and diversity of resources used, can provide greater or lesser efficiency in the teaching - learning.
At first I was thinking, of course, classes in college, that's where I impart. But it is very important to remember here that the students that come to the university, comes from the teachings stockings, classrooms and teaching activities - learning very different from each other. From my research, among university students, will reveal several general principles. Among them, noting that the majority of university students, the university reached after about 17 years in which classroom activity has been clearly dominated by the lecture, and physical structure of chairs and benches spatial distribution characterized by its orthogonal . Several rows of seats, arranged in parallel and always or almost always looking toward the stage where the teacher is usually placed.
Is that at all sites?
My investigation found that a certain percentage of students, apparently very low, which in a course it has participated, with chairs in a circle, in teaching activities - classroom learning, cooperative and group character.
Also I know a number of school teachers, who often lectures in circle, although I confess the various difficulties encountered and / or found, from the classroom ICT to complaints from other teachers that upon entering class chairs are arranged in a circle, from the previous class ...
Is that in all countries?
Certainly not. At least in the UK and / or London, with 12 years students attend classes in classrooms on a double "U", which is also maintained during the lectures, while visual facilitates direct communication between all population classroom social mammals. On the other hand, according to my informant, in London 12 years students spend much time in the classroom and group participatory activities in which students actively move within the classroom, including dynamics with computers, but not alone .
May. Fifth Assumption: A teacher and five students P: A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5, with dynamics presentation.
In alternative education, a wide variety of dynamic and practical activities, which facilitate both classroom interaction as mutual understanding and thus socialization.
Consider that our biology and environmental students, will go to fight for a job when they finish their studies here in the faculty. And in your company are forced to confront society. And its efficiency in professional use, depend much more than theoretical knowledge, the type of teaching - learning you have developed in your training, from school, to high school and college.
A set of presentation can be done in classrooms with benches slaves, bolted to the floor, especially if you are just 5 students. In a gap between the benches slaves, we formed a circle and introducing ourselves. Each classroom social mammals, choose a name for the occasion, it is related, somehow, to the content of the issues, but beginning with the same letter as our name. If in the previous class we talked about the diversity of forest ecosystems in the province of Malaga, for I can choose to be, for the occasion: "Augustine Alcornocal" for example ...
Then the dynamic well would run. We are in a circle. I introduce myself, after having explained the dynamics.
"Hi! I am Augustine Alcornocal ".
The person to my left, after listening, watching the circle and shaking my hand, says:
"Hi! He is Alcornocal Augustine, and I am .....
This game has two basic variants. Upon completion of the conference presentations, you can start a new wheel, but presenting to all who have presented before you. That is, you must remember all their names. In our case, with 5 students, not very complicated. In any case, visual clues are accepted by the other participants, without uttering a word, gesture imitating their bodies, from the creativity, the name that is ...
June. Sixth Assumption: A Professor P and A1-A6 6 students, working in groups.
A work group may be reflecting on some relevant aspect of the theme of the previous lesson, chosen by consensus by the people of classroom social mammals.
The 6 students meet their chairs placing blade in one circle. And so discuss and share on the subject. One of them is taking note of the ideas that arise and end, among all design a poster, where a concept map, relate the ideas you have shared.
And now comes "the moment of truth." I know by informants of Erasmus, in Denmark's public universities where each student makes at least two public exhibitions a week, where he defends a particular thesis, elected with support from the teacher.
In our sixth course, and in a rather familiar, with six students and one teacher, one student plays will expose the entire group, the conclusions I have arrived and are structured in a concept map. Generally there is always someone with more experience, you can be the first to expose.
Is very different course expose a doctoral thesis to the public and a court, to expose conclusions through a concept map, on any given day of class. The point is that as pupils are releasing more and more, both in group participation, such as public exposure of their ideas, something happens just wonderful, I had the opportunity to relive, in my own flesh, as I was still excited and threw me into the exciting and fun world of alternative education. I remember when I started my journey of initiation transdisciplinary, and encouraged me to attend lectures and conferences "other issues", at first I was even embarrassed to ask, much doctor who was.
It is very likely and desirable that in the near future, these processes of re-democratization of education, leading to a social mammal population, free to express themselves through any channel, and definitely expressed, and in public, without feeling any shame. Well leave much to be desired a university in the 21st century, where its graduates were required to attend, special classes "to learn to speak in public", which would be meaningless if they have participated actively and collectively, both in teaching - learning as the socialization of social mammal populations.
July. Seventh Assumption: A Professor P and 7 students A1-A7, connected by the Internet.
On this occasion, the teacher has chosen an Internet video to introduce the topic of debate. Professor Internet searches the document in question and this is seen by social mammal populations.
August. Eighth Assumption: A Professor P and 8 students A1 - A8, "Instant University"
So far it is simply abysmal, the difference in Internet use and enjoyment among students inside and outside the classroom. That "out" has skipped a fifth-generation technological revolution, engendered largely in universities. But here "in" in the classroom, is like living in another galaxy, where the revolution simply remains invisible. It is this fact to be a cognitive dissonance "bestial", which has led to social mammals students facing generally in the classroom, a world away, that nothing exists outside the classroom. It is tremendous, and at the same time as suggestive as promising, the fact that they write more blogs children 12 or 13 students or university professors. The information society "snap, very fast and hilarious" is light years have colonized the sacred day university faculties. I love to make tele five at university model of the future. I imagine these children Londoners can make your biopower widely, thanks to the "primacy of movement" actively move, encouraged by their natural impulses for interaction and learning in the world, and leave well belong to the class "overactive" and hipermedicalizada.
The paradox of the University of XXI is the crossroads between two cultures, two generations, two social classes, which marks the exact separation distance between the current chaos, of a linear system, obsolete, and the transition to a true modernist utopianism or modernity, in the style of Serge Latouche, which simply is based on the logical expansion of the information society, the fifth generation to universities, companies and institutions in general.
But this expansion of information society has two faces, two aspects are complementary and synergistic. One is the Internet and Web 2.0, whence "Instant-University" as an environment in which different social groups of mammals, converge through Web 2.0, from their respective classrooms. Disappears and the physical boundary of the classroom. The students themselves can choose who will be sharing their classes, which end thus being "around the world in the space of a year."
Moreover, the continuous interaction with the Internet, social mammal populations from the classroom, to add to any discussion or debate, Google and Scopus results you add to the conversation.
Note that in this case, all learn, as the teacher could hardly keep up with all the results, instantly appear in the search engines.
The other side of the information society for the people of classroom social mammals are those communication technologies, which correspond to our body's sensory biopower animal mammal, born and developed for interaction. Both sides, then, are complementary and mutually reinforcing. Students are digital natives very familiar with both the Internet and peer interaction. The teachers are digital immigrants generally have not participated in academic activities with interactive, as we are showing here. And obviously, although both groups, teachers and students, are beneficiaries of such revolutions, the first is the most wins, as Professor participatory integrated these dynamics in the classroom, between bodies or between bodies and the Internet, will go realizing it's not as difficult as once thought, because their students are not nursery, do not need a great attention, all you need is to be guided in participatory activities. Thus, the teacher works less, but the result is a significant increase in the efficiency of the teaching - learning. Students are no longer so "sitting" in the pews slaves. And recognize that their brains are more active if their bodies are too.
9. Ninth Assumption: A teacher plus nine students. Complementing the final exam
We start here with the situation where a teacher who used to make his students a final exam evaluation, accepts, in this transition period, students can submit, together with the exam, a collective work with other students in the classroom, and supported by tutors "outside", ie not requiring an extra effort the teacher in question.
Students take classes as usual, according to the guidelines used to follow the teacher. But they themselves are divided into groups, which will be developing additional materials to the teacher, so that at the end of the course, these materials can complement a certain percentage of the assessment.
What you get from this?
For those teachers who wish to follow exactly the same classes, can actually keep doing it, because he will not have to waste any time on innovation that implies. Just that groups of students, advised by other students and experienced, and / or other teachers, they will be developing this collective work, in parallel, as well as allowing you to strengthen your knowledge, you will be a relief, reinforcement, the score on the final exam.
10. Alleged Tenth. Landing on local knowledge
In our case, being of Environmental and Biology, approach from the class, for local knowledge, result from drawer. In general local knowledge by social mammal populations, it is essential, for several reasons.
Among them choose here a theme that will give a lot of talk these years. Solar flares. In fact there are teams of scientists have begun to warn of the risks and telecommunications, involving solar storms, these years are expected heavy and intense.
What is significant is the importance of local knowledge, not only in general, for our survival, as "living super", anticipating thanks to the power of anticipation, but in a world that has been characterized as "Risk Society", where risks will generally increase.
Furthermore, and being in a Faculty of Science, it is more than advisable to recognize organisms and habitats that surround and accompany us every time we walk around.
Take now the example of the hills and mountains surrounding Theatines Campus.
If we asked any environmental or biology student, by the name of the hills that can be seen through the classroom windows, probably we would get a surprise.
The content and approaches, in general, of the subjects, usually very distanced from the local knowledge and useful for the people of classroom social mammals.
Just think of a catastrophe that forced us to flee from the city to the nearby mountains. Probably a large majority of college would not even know where to shoot, or what plants eat, or where to locate a source ...
What to do then?
In my experience of going out, spontaneously, with groups of students, from our encounters in practice, in the vicinity of the campus, the first thing is that the more you learn that I, in the sense that everybody with some experience share what you know and as well as in the classroom, on the field, all we learn from all. I remember that kid who stood a tarantula in the palm of your hand, something I had never seen before ... Or the girl who hugged in his arms so tenderly that chivillo ...
1. We start with a lecture, given by a teacher to a pupil P A.
In these circumstances, assume the active participation of teachers is 0.9, and 0.1 student, then 10% of the time is spent by the student questions.
Two. Second course: A teacher and two students P A1 and A2.
In these circumstances, P is for each student 0.9 and 0.05.
Three. Third course: Two teachers P1 and P2, and three students: A1, A2, and A3.
This of course comes to mind, after attending the CGT headquarters of Málaga, in 2004, shared a talk in unison by two partners (partner and companion) from Oaxaca, Mexico. Each speaker participated with ten minute talk, after which he opened a round of questions, before moving to another speaker's voice.
In our case, for simplicity, we start from two speakers spread over time into two halves. If the class is 50 minutes, 20 minutes each speaker speaks, and the remaining 10 minutes is for questions.
Then we have: Q1: 0.45, Q2: 0.45, A1: 0033, A2: 0033, A3: 0033.
As we can go see, with increasing social mammal population in the Classroom, increase genetic diversity, biological and cultural. But while this emerging diversity is becoming, increasingly, in hidden diversity, no participant. As the classroom is no longer a social environment, socialization, and becomes a space of individualization.
April. Fourth course: A Teacher P, and 4 students: A1, A2, A3, and A4 with Power Point.
It is assumed that in the previous cases, the keynote was fully oral or supported by the classic chalkboard.
In this Fourth Assumption, diversity of social mammal population is added technological tool Power Point, where they appear, for now, only text and static images without motion. Complementing the classic blackboard and lecture oratory.
In this fourth scenario also include the active participation of each of the students, who are called to stand in brainstorming, where everyone writes on the board the concept or idea that intuitively found.
As we will see over other cases, diversity actually active forms of student participation is practically infinite variations and nuances. In fact each class, as an event, is unique, although learning contexts, according to the richness and diversity of resources used, can provide greater or lesser efficiency in the teaching - learning.
At first I was thinking, of course, classes in college, that's where I impart. But it is very important to remember here that the students that come to the university, comes from the teachings stockings, classrooms and teaching activities - learning very different from each other. From my research, among university students, will reveal several general principles. Among them, noting that the majority of university students, the university reached after about 17 years in which classroom activity has been clearly dominated by the lecture, and physical structure of chairs and benches spatial distribution characterized by its orthogonal . Several rows of seats, arranged in parallel and always or almost always looking toward the stage where the teacher is usually placed.
Is that at all sites?
My investigation found that a certain percentage of students, apparently very low, which in a course it has participated, with chairs in a circle, in teaching activities - classroom learning, cooperative and group character.
Also I know a number of school teachers, who often lectures in circle, although I confess the various difficulties encountered and / or found, from the classroom ICT to complaints from other teachers that upon entering class chairs are arranged in a circle, from the previous class ...
Is that in all countries?
Certainly not. At least in the UK and / or London, with 12 years students attend classes in classrooms on a double "U", which is also maintained during the lectures, while visual facilitates direct communication between all population classroom social mammals. On the other hand, according to my informant, in London 12 years students spend much time in the classroom and group participatory activities in which students actively move within the classroom, including dynamics with computers, but not alone .
May. Fifth Assumption: A teacher and five students P: A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5, with dynamics presentation.
In alternative education, a wide variety of dynamic and practical activities, which facilitate both classroom interaction as mutual understanding and thus socialization.
Consider that our biology and environmental students, will go to fight for a job when they finish their studies here in the faculty. And in your company are forced to confront society. And its efficiency in professional use, depend much more than theoretical knowledge, the type of teaching - learning you have developed in your training, from school, to high school and college.
A set of presentation can be done in classrooms with benches slaves, bolted to the floor, especially if you are just 5 students. In a gap between the benches slaves, we formed a circle and introducing ourselves. Each classroom social mammals, choose a name for the occasion, it is related, somehow, to the content of the issues, but beginning with the same letter as our name. If in the previous class we talked about the diversity of forest ecosystems in the province of Malaga, for I can choose to be, for the occasion: "Augustine Alcornocal" for example ...
Then the dynamic well would run. We are in a circle. I introduce myself, after having explained the dynamics.
"Hi! I am Augustine Alcornocal ".
The person to my left, after listening, watching the circle and shaking my hand, says:
"Hi! He is Alcornocal Augustine, and I am .....
This game has two basic variants. Upon completion of the conference presentations, you can start a new wheel, but presenting to all who have presented before you. That is, you must remember all their names. In our case, with 5 students, not very complicated. In any case, visual clues are accepted by the other participants, without uttering a word, gesture imitating their bodies, from the creativity, the name that is ...
June. Sixth Assumption: A Professor P and A1-A6 6 students, working in groups.
A work group may be reflecting on some relevant aspect of the theme of the previous lesson, chosen by consensus by the people of classroom social mammals.
The 6 students meet their chairs placing blade in one circle. And so discuss and share on the subject. One of them is taking note of the ideas that arise and end, among all design a poster, where a concept map, relate the ideas you have shared.
And now comes "the moment of truth." I know by informants of Erasmus, in Denmark's public universities where each student makes at least two public exhibitions a week, where he defends a particular thesis, elected with support from the teacher.
In our sixth course, and in a rather familiar, with six students and one teacher, one student plays will expose the entire group, the conclusions I have arrived and are structured in a concept map. Generally there is always someone with more experience, you can be the first to expose.
Is very different course expose a doctoral thesis to the public and a court, to expose conclusions through a concept map, on any given day of class. The point is that as pupils are releasing more and more, both in group participation, such as public exposure of their ideas, something happens just wonderful, I had the opportunity to relive, in my own flesh, as I was still excited and threw me into the exciting and fun world of alternative education. I remember when I started my journey of initiation transdisciplinary, and encouraged me to attend lectures and conferences "other issues", at first I was even embarrassed to ask, much doctor who was.
It is very likely and desirable that in the near future, these processes of re-democratization of education, leading to a social mammal population, free to express themselves through any channel, and definitely expressed, and in public, without feeling any shame. Well leave much to be desired a university in the 21st century, where its graduates were required to attend, special classes "to learn to speak in public", which would be meaningless if they have participated actively and collectively, both in teaching - learning as the socialization of social mammal populations.
July. Seventh Assumption: A Professor P and 7 students A1-A7, connected by the Internet.
On this occasion, the teacher has chosen an Internet video to introduce the topic of debate. Professor Internet searches the document in question and this is seen by social mammal populations.
August. Eighth Assumption: A Professor P and 8 students A1 - A8, "Instant University"
So far it is simply abysmal, the difference in Internet use and enjoyment among students inside and outside the classroom. That "out" has skipped a fifth-generation technological revolution, engendered largely in universities. But here "in" in the classroom, is like living in another galaxy, where the revolution simply remains invisible. It is this fact to be a cognitive dissonance "bestial", which has led to social mammals students facing generally in the classroom, a world away, that nothing exists outside the classroom. It is tremendous, and at the same time as suggestive as promising, the fact that they write more blogs children 12 or 13 students or university professors. The information society "snap, very fast and hilarious" is light years have colonized the sacred day university faculties. I love to make tele five at university model of the future. I imagine these children Londoners can make your biopower widely, thanks to the "primacy of movement" actively move, encouraged by their natural impulses for interaction and learning in the world, and leave well belong to the class "overactive" and hipermedicalizada.
The paradox of the University of XXI is the crossroads between two cultures, two generations, two social classes, which marks the exact separation distance between the current chaos, of a linear system, obsolete, and the transition to a true modernist utopianism or modernity, in the style of Serge Latouche, which simply is based on the logical expansion of the information society, the fifth generation to universities, companies and institutions in general.
But this expansion of information society has two faces, two aspects are complementary and synergistic. One is the Internet and Web 2.0, whence "Instant-University" as an environment in which different social groups of mammals, converge through Web 2.0, from their respective classrooms. Disappears and the physical boundary of the classroom. The students themselves can choose who will be sharing their classes, which end thus being "around the world in the space of a year."
Moreover, the continuous interaction with the Internet, social mammal populations from the classroom, to add to any discussion or debate, Google and Scopus results you add to the conversation.
Note that in this case, all learn, as the teacher could hardly keep up with all the results, instantly appear in the search engines.
The other side of the information society for the people of classroom social mammals are those communication technologies, which correspond to our body's sensory biopower animal mammal, born and developed for interaction. Both sides, then, are complementary and mutually reinforcing. Students are digital natives very familiar with both the Internet and peer interaction. The teachers are digital immigrants generally have not participated in academic activities with interactive, as we are showing here. And obviously, although both groups, teachers and students, are beneficiaries of such revolutions, the first is the most wins, as Professor participatory integrated these dynamics in the classroom, between bodies or between bodies and the Internet, will go realizing it's not as difficult as once thought, because their students are not nursery, do not need a great attention, all you need is to be guided in participatory activities. Thus, the teacher works less, but the result is a significant increase in the efficiency of the teaching - learning. Students are no longer so "sitting" in the pews slaves. And recognize that their brains are more active if their bodies are too.
9. Ninth Assumption: A teacher plus nine students. Complementing the final exam
We start here with the situation where a teacher who used to make his students a final exam evaluation, accepts, in this transition period, students can submit, together with the exam, a collective work with other students in the classroom, and supported by tutors "outside", ie not requiring an extra effort the teacher in question.
Students take classes as usual, according to the guidelines used to follow the teacher. But they themselves are divided into groups, which will be developing additional materials to the teacher, so that at the end of the course, these materials can complement a certain percentage of the assessment.
What you get from this?
For those teachers who wish to follow exactly the same classes, can actually keep doing it, because he will not have to waste any time on innovation that implies. Just that groups of students, advised by other students and experienced, and / or other teachers, they will be developing this collective work, in parallel, as well as allowing you to strengthen your knowledge, you will be a relief, reinforcement, the score on the final exam.
10. Alleged Tenth. Landing on local knowledge
In our case, being of Environmental and Biology, approach from the class, for local knowledge, result from drawer. In general local knowledge by social mammal populations, it is essential, for several reasons.
Among them choose here a theme that will give a lot of talk these years. Solar flares. In fact there are teams of scientists have begun to warn of the risks and telecommunications, involving solar storms, these years are expected heavy and intense.
What is significant is the importance of local knowledge, not only in general, for our survival, as "living super", anticipating thanks to the power of anticipation, but in a world that has been characterized as "Risk Society", where risks will generally increase.
Furthermore, and being in a Faculty of Science, it is more than advisable to recognize organisms and habitats that surround and accompany us every time we walk around.
Take now the example of the hills and mountains surrounding Theatines Campus.
If we asked any environmental or biology student, by the name of the hills that can be seen through the classroom windows, probably we would get a surprise.
The content and approaches, in general, of the subjects, usually very distanced from the local knowledge and useful for the people of classroom social mammals.
Just think of a catastrophe that forced us to flee from the city to the nearby mountains. Probably a large majority of college would not even know where to shoot, or what plants eat, or where to locate a source ...
What to do then?
In my experience of going out, spontaneously, with groups of students, from our encounters in practice, in the vicinity of the campus, the first thing is that the more you learn that I, in the sense that everybody with some experience share what you know and as well as in the classroom, on the field, all we learn from all. I remember that kid who stood a tarantula in the palm of your hand, something I had never seen before ... Or the girl who hugged in his arms so tenderly that chivillo ...
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