martes, 18 de junio de 2013

front cover

restart shaman

indigenous project for Europa 
human development 

iniciatives sustainability environMent autogestión

0. blibiography

at your own impulses...

1. una constituyente for uMMa

una constituyente for UMA
this is a revolutionary book
the functional illiteracy
in dominant science
which dominates us
in such a way
as making all us
more or less
functional illiterated
deadly blindness
for Edgar Morin
we don't want to continue
being accomplice
of such a level of destruction
under our noses
for that reason we say
as Nietzsche
who says
if you write
do it with blood
(= vida)

2. "#niunain"

  1. would sandy Definitely bury capitalism madness? : #niunain ...
    01/01/2012 – ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! #niunain. #niunain: Petición Pública. sábado 11 de diciembre de 2010. imaginemos un mundo sin fronteras.

  2. erfizibaibai: #niunain 01012012 6/9
    01/01/2012 – ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! #niunain. #niunain: Petición Pública. miércoles 30 de junio de 2010. chamanismo y sentido común. [PDF] .

  3. complaciencia
    22/04/2013 – 1 tablet x 8$? #niunain ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! 1936-2012: re Vivir la Utopía ...
    Has visitado esta página 3 veces. Fecha de la última visita: 22/09/12.

  4. ciencia
    hace 32 minutos – @Tomstroskitur @anticapi @agarzon#esUnaverguenzaelSilencioAsesinodel15M:#HayquePararLasInfraestructurasAsesinasYa, #niunain ...
    Has visitado esta página muchas veces. Fecha de la última visita: 29/04/13

  5. complaciencia: Rastreando #niunain en google
    29/12/2011 – #NIUNAIN a dia de hoy, 29.12.11 (dice 231 resultados). Que se supone ... #niunain 0: EEUU quiere controlar Internet a nivel mundial ...
    Has visitado esta página 2 veces. Fecha de la última visita: 30/12/11.

  6. Prion's Upwelling of #niunain in Google - complaciencia
    29/12/2011 – #niunain ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! ... Prion's Upwelling of #niunain in Google ... #niunain 0: New Site: reiniciarchaman ...

  7. complaciencia: #niunain 01012012 7/9
    01/01/2012 – ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! #niunain. #niunain: Petición Pública. miércoles 12 de mayo de 2010. Memoria Selectiva, Memoria Bogui.

  8. complaciencia: STOP Infrastructures! #niunain - pasion x excelencia
    29/12/2011 – Stop Infrastructures! hashtag: #stopIN (english, googlematic version). ¡Ni Una Infraestructura Más! hashtag: #niunain (spanish version) ...
    Has visitado esta página 4 veces. Fecha de la última visita: 11/01/12.

  9. Twitter / kamalayamala: #niunain: Wellkoming Fifth ...
    Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.

  10. #SandyBotaObama: diciembre 2011 - complaciencia
    29/12/2011 – Prion's Upwelling from "#niunain" in Twitter ... #stopIN #niunain If you, my cherie Mere Terre, sing across Twitter and facebook, spreading this ...

    invited search: "niunain", today:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48175248,d.ZWU&fp=1656ff03153f8851&biw=1365&bih=942

3. laZimby: password out of the crisis

Simbiodiversity, is the key word to end the crisis.

laZimby: paraula clau per sortir of crisi: paraula!

Imaginacción + Creativity - Crisis

Just Googling, Guglea and see ...

Since we offer many paths innovative, creative, occupying very different gaps than the current , and decaying economic system had left out in his only goal of economic growth. They are simple projects, of high innovative power, ranging from collaborative work in the classroom, ("the U-classroom") interconnection of these online ("instantuniversity"), a new code of communication and education (" copylife "), a new multi co operating system (" mimouX "), a new system (a) numerical (" infimónikal "), a new server (" mokoputomoko "or" mkptmk ")," simbiodomótica "," the molecule A3N " , "radykal niñarky,"the magics of Gearry poker "," polymathics, recreatuvidád "," project development aid indigenous north "," slow comunicontestador chat "," divolsio sensolial " , "zi or zi: your zienzia in andalú", "huertejados", "enlújate a chalet", "butt with the stops", "shortbus", "afroropa", "rizomecs", "scientific revolution of pleasure" "the cool Guay Gueby Geb", "sensosfera", "human echolocation is universal", "OUED: the web liquid", "transmargulis biology", "resensualizing consciousness," dancing on the DRAE "," symmetric human Global virgin science "," neurosemantic networks "," huertejaos "," donkey futurr "," Meme-mimi-mim "," ecobrain "," brain development cooperation "," CCErebro: brain-body-environment ","guest search"," exa-merde "

we SAID So in 2010, a survey of the UNED to choose the keyword to find work: Simbiodiversity, or Andalusian: "LaZimby".

Feet do you quieroooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

(2010) More than 200,000 college seek keyword to find work